Feeling Down & Anxious? Try These 3 Mindful Living Rituals

Are you feeling anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed? There’s no surprise if you are. The craziness of 2020 has our feelings topsy turvy along with our bodies. Time for more Mindful living.
Please, take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone in your frustration. Luckily, we’re moving hope-filled into a new year – a perfect time to refocus on easy, calming rituals of Mindful living.
You may have discovered on your own that Mindfulness is more than drinking herbal organic tea or even doing daily yoga – although those can be mindful practices, and great self-care, too. My daily mindful living practices are Meditation and mind-body movement. They’re not only gentle ways to reduce anxiety and calm my nervous system, but also immunity building. It’s the ultimate in self-care to create a daily practice.
As part of your more Mindful living practices, try Genevieve’s 3 favorite ways to calm anxiety and feel more centered.
1. Meditate or Pray
It’s been proven in science and medical studies, Meditation doesn’t only help quiet our minds, it also reduces anxiety, improves sleep, lowers the heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and even lowers cholesterol. It also allows us to create space and the opportunity to step away from our thoughts and emotions. To pause.
When we practice Meditation, we strengthen our observer, allowing us to witness what’s going on in our mind and bodyy, rather than be a victim of those activities and thoughts. That helps us realize we are not our thoughts or feelings, letting us more easily step away from reactions, anxiety, and fear.
2. Mindful Movement
- Practice the six directions of the spine from Pilates & Yoga.
- Get on the Foam Roller for 5-15 minutes.
- Go through 2 to 4 rounds of Standing Sun Salutations.
- Walk in nature.
- Above all, move your body in a way that you enjoy!
3. Practice Gratitude
I love Gratitude Journaling. It’s one of my favorite ways to practice gratitude. It’s so rewarding. Consider cultivating a daily or weekly journaling practice. Being in a place of gratitude opens us up to acceptance and ultimately, love. There’s simply no way to maintain a state of anger, frustration, irritation, or disappointment and simultaneously be in gratitude.
Plus, journaling is a wonderful way to change our emotional state. We find it easier to move from discouragement into joy, appreciation, and love.
For instance, I’ve grown my time to 30 minutes of gratitude journaling daily. My writing includes giving thanks for my parents, husband, sister, friends, my meditation practice, body, health, and yes, even ongoing health challenges and physical pain. Why? Because even those give me opportunities for growth that I may not have had… you get the idea.
Wellness, wellbeing, self-care – three words that come down to one thing, improving your life through mindful living.
My three favorite practices are really no more than ways to gain better health – in mind and body. We tend to be so hard on ourselves. I encourage you to take a different path – be kind to yourself. Especially when you’re trying to incorporate new practices, or make current ones a habit. When you combine mindfulness with consistent exercise and mindful movement, you’ll expand your awareness, gain greater clarity, and learn self-compassion.
I hope you'll share which of the 3 calming practices you enjoy the most.
In gratitude and love,

Are you interested in building healthier daily lifestyle practices through
- Meditation
- Mindful movement
- Managing emotions & stress
Please contact me to learn more about private meditation and optimal lifestyle consulting. I’m able to offer these private sessions in person, over the phone, and via online video conferencing. I can be reached at change@bodyfundamentals or 520-299-6541.
Additional Suggested Reading:
Continue Your Journey

Geneviève Nedder
About the Owner
Geneviève Nedder is the director and founder of Body Fundamentals, Inc., a Pilates & Wellness business founded in 1996. She is a Master Pilates Educator and Mentor and a certified Perfect Health Lifestyle Teacher. Trained by Dr. Deepak Chopra and his team at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, she is also an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Certified Health Coach. She specializes in the mind-body connection.