Restore Vitality. Improve your quality of life.
The Chopra Center's Perfect Health Lifestyle program is a profound body of knowledge to a truly holistic way of daily living. One that helps restore balance, increase vitality, and brings healing and transformation. In fact, thousands of people worldwide are quietly changing their lives as a result of this program and eventuating their own perfect health.
Personally, I can share that the Perfect Health program and study of mind-body medicine continue to make a difference in my life. I first discovered the program during an anniversary getaway with my husband, Robert in July of 2014. We were inspired by the knowledge gained and how immediately applicable it was.
Incrementally, we’ve made adjustments and a daily commitment to our nutrition, communication style (with each other and others), meditation practice, and exercise.
Results are ongoing – as are challenges and daily life. There’s no denying the positive impact both Robert and I have seen in our physical and spiritual vitality.
I’m excited and honored to share this healing and transformative way of living with you.
Please email me or call the studio to set up a time to talk about how this program can help you: 520-299-6541.

How will Perfect Health affect my life?
Today, doctors are increasingly citing stress as a major contributing factor to most illnesses. Our bodies and minds react to it by shifting out of balance, which ultimately creates physical challenges and emotional turbulence that impact our lives at home, at work, and at play.
In time, we can find ourselves in toxic relationships and non-nourishing patterns of eating, sleeping, and digestion. The Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle program helps you identify the imbalances in your life, teaches you how to correct them, and helps you develop a nurturing daily routine.
You'll also learn to release emotions in a healthy way so they don't build up in your physiology. Most importantly, as your stress is eliminated, your mind and body begin to function with maximum effectiveness, creating health, vitality, and happiness.
A guiding principle of Ayurveda:
Nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind. Freedom from illness depends upon expanding our own awareness, bringing it into balance, and then extending that balance to the body.
- The Chopra Center for Wellbeing

Program Options
Drawing from modern and timeless healing traditions, Perfect Health brings you the best principles and practices of mind-body medicine from around the world.
Ayurveda, the 5000-year-old healing system from India, provides the foundation for this course. Ayurveda, (meaning, the wisdom of life), offers a proven guide for a life of happiness, vitality, love, and purpose. From the Ayurvedic perspective, human beings are not viewed as mere physical machines, but rather fields of intelligence in dynamic exchange with the energy and information of the environment. Health is a state of vibrant balance in which all the layers of one's life are integrated.
The Perfect Health program is designed as five sessions (see descriptions below), taught weekly over five consecutive weeks, or as a weekend retreat. I offer this course as a 5-week re-set (meeting once a week for 2.5 hours) or as a weekend retreat.

Session One - Intro. to Perfect Health
I'll introduce you to the foundational principles of Ayurveda and the origins of lifestyle medicine. We will introduce a consciousness-based approach to living.
We will have an introduction to Meditation and Yoga and then meditate together. You'll learn about the three primary doshas or mind-body constitutions: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and specifically your own body-mind type and how to interpret a dosha quiz.
Session Two - Food as Medicine
Session two is all about integrative nutrition. You'll learn a comprehensive approach to holistic and integrative nutrition specific to your body type and lifestyle. We approach food as medicine and as a way to heal our bodies and help prevent disease. The class includes information on cleansing, herbs, phytochemicals, and superfoods.
These nutritional practices will help you optimize your digestion, improve your immunity, and manage your weight.
Session Three - Detoxification & Rejuvenation
The lesson focuses on the tools of rejuvenation and renewal. Learn how to renew yourself each day and throughout the year by recognizing and eliminating toxins, and by performing daily, gentle rejuvenating practices to relieve stress and anxiety.
Create and maintain a daily routine ideal for your unique lifestyle and needs.
Session Four - Emotions
You will learn why emotional freedom is the key to our physical, mental, and emotional health. I'll teach you the Conscious Communication process based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg. You will also learn in-depth practices and techniques that can transform your relationships and help you experience greater intimacy in your life both with yourself and others.
Session Five - Inner Pharmacy
In this lesson, we will explore practices for nourishing ourselves through the five senses so that we can experience greater physical health and emotional well-being.
You’ll learn the healing power of your five senses and the body-mind's ability to heal and balance itself through the power of; sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell. Learn how the nervous system receives input from the five senses via the body's sensory receptors and how these signals are then received and processed by our brain.
I invite you to join me on the path to Perfect Health.