On the path to Perfect Health: Meditation

As we enter a new year, it’s the perfect time for new, healthful practices. One of my renewed intentions is to expand my personal practice of daily meditation. To be honest, I’m re-arranging my schedule to include an early evening meditation at least twice a week. My evenings at home are more peaceful and relaxing when I make the time after work to meditate. I’m more centered and present with my husband. It’s one of my most fruitful intentions from the past year and a half and a direct outcome of my experiences at the Chopra Center and my Perfect Health  instructor program.

You may have seen the eblast or press release about my new offering of Group Meditation Classes beginning in Feb. Although I’ve had a long-time practice of meditation and continue to recognize its benefits, this coming February (February 20th, March 5th, March 12th and March 19thDue to family concerns, the March 19th meditation class will need to be rescheduled. Date TBA.) will be the first time I teach meditation in a group setting. It is a natural complement to Pilates and Movement, and I can personally attest that as my meditation practice deepens, I am able to be more ‘present’ and deepen my own Pilates practice.

There are many forms of meditation, from guided visualizations to yoga nidra to sound meditation, and more. Each brings its own techniques and benefits. In these first Group Meditation Classes, we’ll focus on breathing awareness exercises and a mantra-based meditation.  I’ll also lead you through some intention setting for greater peace, health and vitality.

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet.
It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there” – Deepak Chopra

I hope you’ll join me on the path to Perfect Health. The Meditation Classes are an excellent window into the many benefits of the Perfect Health Program, which includes meditation as part of each lesson.

In health,