Private Consulting Room

Body Fundamentals Pilates and Wellness

We can help you here if you're looking to sleep through the night naturally and wake up feeling rested, reduce your joint pain so you can go on a long hike in the afternoon and have pain-free mornings, and reduce overwhelm and anxiety through time-tested meditation and mindfulness tools.

Or you're ready to feel stronger in your physical body with a movement and nutrition routine that's personalized to you and has you putting on clothes you haven't worn in years and improving your balance for your next pickleball game or simply when you reach up to get something out of the cupboard.


Balance. Strength. Flexibility.

Whether you're just beginning an exercise program, recuperating from an injury or accident, or are a fitness enthusiast, Pilates will benefit you. Experience the transformative power of Pilates.

Privates & Semi-Privates
Changing through Movement
Since 1996

Perfect Health in Tucson, Aryuveda

Perfect Health Program

Learn a daily routine to improve health, increase energy, and feel happier, based on your mind/body type. This interactive course from Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon is based in Ayurveda, a comprehensive system of holistic health, and an opportunity to create lasting changes in your life. Through a balanced diet, nutrition, meditation, mindfulness, and conscious communication, this integrative lifestyle program takes you on a journey into total well-being, healing, and transformation.


"By meditating every day, you will allow the soul to infuse daily life." -Deepak Chopra

Create greater calm in your life while reducing anxiety and improving how you respond to life's pressures. A longtime practitioner and advocate of meditation, Geneviève guides hands-on meditation classes, courses, and private sessions that help others discover the benefits.

Perfect Health

"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need."
                    - Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb


Contrology (Pilates) develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit.
- Joseph Pilates


"Through inner exploration, meditation awakens creativity, healing, and transformation."
- Deepak Chopra

mindful living rituals

Feeling Down & Anxious? Try These 3 Mindful Living Rituals

Feeling Down & Anxious? Try These 3 Mindful Living Rituals Are you feeling anxious, frustrated, or overwhelmed? There’s no surprise if you are. The craziness of 2020 has our feelings topsy turvy along with our bodies. Time for more Mindful living. Please, take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone in your frustration. Luckily, we’re moving hope-filled into a new year – a perfect time to refocus on easy, calming rituals of Mindful living. You may have discovered on your own that Mindfulness is more than drinking herbal organic tea or even doing daily yoga – although those can be mindful practices, and great self-care, too. My daily mindful living practices are Meditation and mind-body movement. They’re not only gentle ways to reduce anxiety and calm my nervous system, but also immunity building. It’s the ultimate in self-care to create a daily practice. As part of your more Mindful living practices, try Genevieve’s 3 favorite ways to calm anxiety and feel more centered. 1. Meditate or Pray It’s been proven in science and medical studies, Meditation doesn’t only help quiet our minds, it also reduces anxiety, improves sleep, lowers the heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and even lowers cholesterol. It…

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Simple Tips for Cleansing & Body Rebalancing

Start your Fall off with more energy! Each time we embark upon another season, the genuine desire to make positive changes for ourselves is strong.

Try These Simple Tips

Cycling & Pilates

Did you know that Pilates is great for both cycling performance, and also to help prevent cycling injuries? I have several Tucson Pilates studio clients who are avid cyclists and committed to how Pilates improves and sustains their cycling performance.

Read about 5 Ways Cyclists Can Benefit from Pilates

"Greater consciousness brings in greater wholeness and consistency into all that we do." - Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

“...I have taken classes at other larger studios and exercise facilities, I am thoroughly impressed with the more unique and carefully crafted program at Body Fundamentals.”
— Cristina S. Lowe

BF- Celebrating 33 in Tucson Years